On 9th November 2017, we had our first conference for volunteers and staff and what a great success!
The venue, The Western Community Centre in Hamilton, was the perfect place with very helpful staff and NZMA catering students from the Hamilton campus provided us with a great morning and afternoon tea and a superb lunch.
Although our numbers were not large, there was much enthusiasm and it was soon clear that we have a very talented pool of extraordinary people who work with us in the coaching of adult students. Not only the coaches were there but also other support volunteers who build and maintain the website, inspire with new graphics, maintain equipment and much, much more.
It was wonderful and we look forward to even more of you next year!
A big thank you from the Staff and Trustees to Christine Ramsey for organising the conference almost single-handedly.
Videos of Speakers:
Jo Poland, Manager – Welcome
Barry O’Donnell, Trustee – Strategic Plan
Christine Ramsey, Community Coordinator – Getting students, coaches and computers
Seok Dawn, Volunteer Coach – Coaching and culture
Peter Rutherford, Founder of the Supported Lifestyle Hauraki Trust – Lifestylers and Literacy
Irene Loder, Volunteer Literacy Coach – Experience and thoughts on literacy teaching
Vicki Beckwith, Volunteer Literacy Coach – Digital Literacy and Dyslexia